NASA Paints Us a Picture of Climate Change


Did you know that the recent bushfires in Australia were so immense that they could be seen from space? New animation from NASA shows the global impact of the fires along with other extreme natural disasters around the world from the past year. 

As you know, we've been tracking the Australian bushfires and participating in the rescue and recovery efforts in partnership with WWF in Australia. We've received many generous donations (thank you!) and will continue to raise funds as the recovery efforts continue after the fires subside.

Many people in our social media community have asked what exactly the fires in Australia have to do with climate change. This is such an important question and we think this succinctly sums up the connection: climate change causes an increase in extreme weather events like those shown in the animation.

In fact, in September, a new climate report came out that showed climate change is progressing much faster than anticipated, but it's not too late for humans to make changes.

As the title of this article suggests, this climate report is "sobering but strangely hopeful" - kind of like the animation provided by NASA which is pictured above. 

Our take away is this: it's not too late to help save animals, our planet, and our future.

Right now our efforts are focused on the animals, specifically koalas, in Australia. As our campaign to aid in their rescue and recovery continues, we ask that you consider joining us. Either by making a donation, sharing this newsletter and information with your friends and family, or simply starting a conversation about the connection between the Australian bushfires and climate change with someone who might have a different opinion. 

Please remind people that while over 1 billion animals have perished in Australia, it's not too late to save the rest. And it's not too late to save ourselves. 



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